House & Garden Cocos Nutrient A
House & Garden Coco A&B base nutrients contain an extremely precise composition of a large variety of minerals. House & Garden Coco A&B nutrients are coco specific nutrients. They contain far less potassium than other nutrients to take into account the high levels of potassium released from the coco media during the growing cycle. The special composition of the nutrient solution leaves the water reservoir pure and keeps it fresh. At the same time it provides an excellent balanced nutrient, ensuring optimal absorption at the root zone and delivering maximum growth potential.
House & Garden Coco base nutrient is composed of liquid nutrients and trace elements and contains no bulking agent. This makes the transfer from the root zone to the plant much more efficient. Coco base nutrient is composed of the purest high-quality nutrients that are available on the market to date, including iron (Eddha-Fe). This enables the plant to absorb the nutrient quickly and effectively. Coco A&B nutrients contain a full range of beneficial elements, with humic and fulvic acids working to improve the uptake and transportation of nutrients. Coco A&B is extremely ph stable and can be mixed with any additives or stimulants. Coco A&B will promote an increased absorption capacity of the root zone, resulting in maximum growth